"Greco's Mate is named after the famous Italian checkmate cataloguer Gioachino Greco. It works by using the bishop to contain the black king by use of the black g-pawn and subsequently using the queen or a rook to checkmate the king by moving it to the edge of the board."

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  1. Ng6+      hxg6
  2. Rh4#
  1. Ne7+         Kh8
  2. Ng6+         hxg6
  3. hxg3+        Qh4
  4. Rxh4#
  1. Qh5#
  1. Ng6+      hxg6
  2. Rh4#
  1. Ne7+         Kh8
  2. Ng6+         hxg6
  3. hxg3+        Qh4
  4. Rxh4#
  1. Qh5#
  1. Ng6+      hxg6
  2. Rh4#